Currently reading:
1. Snow, Orhan Pamuk
2. The Genesee Diary, Henri Nouwen (10 Sept 2010)
3. 《中文起義》,陳雲
4. Paul, N. T. Wright (9 Oct 2010)
5. Paul, E. P. Sander
6. Murder in the Dark, Margaret Atwood (1 Dec 2010)
7. The Sea, The Sea, Iris Murdoch (21 Dec 2010)
8. The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini (30 Dec 2010)
9. A Fraction of the Whole, Steve Toltz
10. 《後殖民食物與愛情》,也斯
11. Discovering the Bible in the Non-Biblical World, Kwok Pui-lan
12. The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas, ed. Elizabeth Sinn
13. The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Rey Chow (9 Feb 2011)