16 Nov 2010

Fika in HK

Adding finishing touches to a world map while having fika.

Fika is a very important part in the Swedish life. It is like a coffee break. Of course, you don't only drink coffee. There can be cakes, ice cream...whatever you like.

I once said to my Swedish friend who has a Ph.D degree, "The requirement to finish a doctoral degree shouldn't state how many pages of dissertation you should write, but how many fikas you should have." He agreed.

Yesterday (Monday) was the second last day of the Jacobssons' family's stay in HK. We had a "meet-you-suddenly" dinner before we headed for MacDonald's for a fika.

Always fika!!!! Friends, I'll miss you. May God give us the chance to have more fikas together.

(More On, In and Around Mondays here)

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